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Time: 2017 - 06 - 09
Relevant testing institutions and certified clients:The China Quality Certification Center recently received a letter from the Saudi Arabian Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Quality Control (SASO) explaining the strict prohibition of adding the words 'SASO' on products and packaging exported to Saudi Arabia. It is hereby emphasized that:1. Manufacturers and exporters are advised not to affix, mold, or print SASO words or SASO logos on products and any packaging exported to Saudi Arabi...
Time: 2017 - 06 - 09
Summary of Certification ContentSONCAP Certification The Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) is a government agency responsible for developing and implementing quality standards for imported and domestically manufactured products in Nigeria.To ensure that controlled products comply with the approved technical standards or other international standards of the country, and to protect Nigerian consumers from unsafe or non compliant products, the Nigerian National Bureau of Standards has decided ...
Time: 2017 - 06 - 09
PVoC certification in Kenya1) According to Kenyan government regulations, your company's importer must obtain a Certificate of Conformity (COC) in order to complete customs clearance procedures with Kenyan customs. After completing the inspection, the original COC certificate will be sent to the exporter by express mail, or printed directly at the office of the Kenya Inspection Company and handed over to the importer.2) Please truthfully, correctly, and completely fill out this application f...
Time: 2023 - 01 - 28
We are pleased to inform you that we are currently handling the certification of all radio communication equipment in Qatar through our team in Qatar.CRA (Communications Regulatory Authority)Any local or international manufacturer, licensed operator, authorized importer, distributor, or person (individual or company) intending to import RTTE for their own non commercial use can apply for type approval. After the equipment meets the standards recognized by CRA, a type approval certificate is obta...
Time: 2018 - 02 - 26
Algeria PCA certificationThe official name of the conformity certificate for the Algerian product conformity assessment plan is Certification de Conformate (Certificate de Control de Quality des Marchandises). This new evaluation plan is aimed at ensuring that all goods exported to Algeria comply with the corresponding Algerian and international standards. According to the notification 16/DGC/2009 issued by the Algerian Bank on February 16, 2009, in order to comply with Algerian Law 2004 and the...
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